Welcome to The Drug War Dope
(I am transferring the contents from wordpress; so some working links will take you there, for now. You have been warned!)Go to The Blog to see the latest posts, hit the RSS feed button above or browse them in the sections on the left.
Welcome, this site will focus on the global political economy of the United States (US) and capitalism. In particular how the neoliberal variant is promoted around the world and its connection to the war on drugs in Mexico. This blog originally started as a way to document and publish my MA Criminology research project on the previous Mexican government's, 2012 -2018, special economic zones (SEZs) development plans and their intersection with neoliberalism, immigration and the drug war in Mexico. With the entry of a new government, who terminated the SEZs, the blog has, like my research agenda, evolved. Yet, despite the changes the story remains the same: one that encompasses global economic powers, the US, EU, Russia and China, a corrupt transnational elite, their equally global sycophants in the media, NGOs or the academy, and a host of local political/corporate opportunists. All looking to do do the same thing: make a lot of buck of the backs of poor working people and the environment by forcing their economic development plans on the world.
Therefore you will find here articles on the SEZs, the current centrist government, neoliberalism, US foreign policy and their war on drugs and resistance to them. In addition, it will also be populated with articles that focus on the the academic foundations that underlie the social justice framework that I use to analysis. This will mostly be drawn from critical Criminology, though Political Economy and International Relations factor too, fields that focus more on the crimes of the powerful and social harm they produce in the reproduction of capitalism.
The links at the top will take you to various named sections that give a global and academic context to what is happenig in Mexico
Carlos Latuff is the cartoonist who drew the image in the mast above. Many of his cartoons are on point about US imperialism and Western Hypocrisy, so please support his work.