Created Tuesday 10 September 2024
Below I present a small report from my recent visit to Ciudad de Oaxaca.
We are on a trip to Oaxaca so I thought I would review the political economy of one of the poorest states in the nation.
A review that looks at how it is changing after six years of a Morena government.
The themes that I will talk about are drawn from the city’s walls, a few stories from a city based regional newspaper, El Imparcial, and my visit to the local town of Tlacolula and some other tourist spots.
A city gentrified!
One of the first things that I noticed walking around CdeO was the graffiti.
Oaxaca has a history of ROI, so it is no surprise to find numerous pieces reminding us the state violence that many anti-capitalist actiovists face.
Ones that recall those lost to state promoted violence. The photo below recalls Luis Armando, a human rights defender murdered in 2019.
Armando lived in the Istmo de Tehauntepec, a strip of land that runs the length of Oaxaca, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific coast.
The next one features Tomás Martínez Pinacho. Another community leader and activist murdered by gunmen in 2020. Martínez also lived in the Istmo.
Below you can see the Istmo, while the map next to it shows the strategic importance of the region for development. An area full of fossil fuels, mines and green energy sources that the government is promoting. All joined together by a train system that the navy is refurbishing.
For this reason, it is a site highly sought after by capitalists since the 1850s. These two images below show the Mexican government and a U.S. company's failed train development plan from the 1890s.
The point to note here that Martinez and Armando's opposition to capitalist development led to their murders.
Victims of state violence that is often indirect, but nevertheless condoned, if not facilitated, by the nation's political elites.
As a reminder to the wider context of violence that anti-capitalist activists face in Mexico, the photo below points to one of the most instructive incidents of state violence in Mexico since the democratic transition.
The "43" in the photo below, that I took in the Ciudad de Oaxaca, refers to 43 student teachers from Iguala, Guerrero that went missing after commandeering several coaches to go to a protest in Mexico City.
You can read these two articles from The New Yorker and the New York TImes (no paywall) to get the background.
But in essence, the student teachers walked into the middle of a heroin trafficking ring, that shipped the narcotic on coaches from Iguala to Chicago. A network protected by the local organised crime group, los Guerreros Unidos (GU), in collusion with the local government, police and military.
The PRI government at the time, and next one, AMLO's Morena, have both promoted a narrative that blames the local corruption and drug cartels, the bad apples so to speak.
But this is bumpkin,
A version, backed by decades of academic research, data and theory on the drug war, that explains how this type of violence operates in Mexico as a counter-insurgency (COIN) strategy to neutralise resistance to capitalism.
Under this version, In essence the Mexican state, like under the neoliberal model in general, has outsourced counter-insurgency from the military to non-state actors such as private military groups or as we see in Mexico, (dis)organised crime groups. As Mexico based journalist Dawn Paley notes in her book "Drug War Capitalism", the war on drugs in Mexico is not about prohibition. Instead she notes these groups foment terror in rural and urban populations which allows from pro-capital policies than benefit global capital rather than ordinary people.
The link to the legal economy is critical to understand because the
Created Wednesday 09 October 2024
- Paley takes Robinson's militarised accumulation idea and applies it to the local in Mexico to show how it works.
- Paley I (link)
- This unprecedented book chronicles how terror is used against the population at large in cities and rural areas, generating panic and facilitating policy changes that benefit the international private sector, particularly extractive industries like petroleum and mining. This is what is really going on. This is drug war capitalism.
- Paley II (link)
- "...exposing how the army, the Federal Police and local police act in tandem with criminal groups to sow terror. Ayotzinapa is not an exceptional case: it is paradigmatic. Groups like Guerreros Unidos, which the state calls drug cartels or drug gangs, but which can be understood as something closer to paramilitary groups, do not threaten the state or control the state.
- On the contrary, they can actually strengthen the state repressive apparatus. This structural collusion is why no one person or group can absorb responsibility for the disappearance of 43 young men from the Ayotzinapa school and the massacre of six people. Rather, these acts were facilitated by overlapping forms of domination, capitalism, impunity, racism, militarization and paramilitarization. These forms are created and upheld not only by the government of Mexico but also by the US. and other governments, and I argue in Drug War Capitalism that they can benefit transnational capital.
- ME
- so the narco is never imp, it just strengthens the state till it gets too big then it is removed, which creates even more (corruption is thus decentralised)
- the point is that the decentralisation gets the job done, while the state can plead ignorance, lie or obtigate, has MX gov of different stripes have done over the last 10 years!
- the state though is just doing its job, which is to take the land away from the indigenous, to exploit them. This is always what the state has done in Mx since the Spanish arrived half a millennia ago
- WI Robinson
- Apply this to Mx urban areas
- 1 - Mx youth surplus to Mx eco
- 2 Militarised accumulation a lot in Mx under DW
- 3 Militarized accumulation of the DW cracks open spaces left when neoliberal state left post-82
- (Morris, 2024)
- before Mx state was a interventionist state drove development of rural areas into $ spaces, MX/US gov built the infrastructure and the narcos used it to ship the shit to market 2nd part about the state/OC symbiosis, no
- Check how this was done, in particular the power dynamic between the state and the narco:_ 2nd part of the Morris 2024 article
- the diff types of corruption (Morris, 2013)
- post-82 NL Mx state withdraws from direct development intervention,
- NL state sees state intervention as corruption ((Macey, 2016 modern example & (Flores, 2023) )
- OC emerges in these areas where there is no state.
- cont from here in Zotero
- Robinson apply to Mexico 2, 3 & 4
- 2) indigenous rural pop surplus humanity
- William again: Which racist structure works in Mx?
- Both, we have a hybrid model!
- #2, exclusion, applies to the ind that remain in rural, $ wants the land, but dont need the labour of the peeps on it.
- #1 applies to those that move into the urban areas to look for work
- it can also apply to those that accumulate $ through the criminal economy, whether that is true drugs or any other means of making $
- once G$ or national $ dont need you, then you are open to death as a surplus humanity/labour and subject to genocide
- Border between intense accmulation and surplus labour trying to get into the latter
- US/Mx border one exampe
- a militarsied death zone
- Can we say this about the rural in Mx?
- 3) lots of militarised accumulation in Mx
- lots of moeny being made by US $ operating in Mx, those supplying the guns to the military and the narcos.
- WIR: $ always needs new spaces to exploit esp. now that we are reacing the limits of nature. Need to areas to invest their wealth, but they are drying up.
- They have built a G po-po state(GPS) (war/surveillance etc.) that is profitable and sustains the politcal elites.
- US is at the hearth of this system, WD feeds this US economy - gives it the impetus even though it does not meet its stated objective, but $ is happy!
- In Mx, the military use of Pegasus, Isreali spyware, demonstrates how it integrates into the GPS in other ways.
4) open up new spaces violently
- Mx integrated int ogloabl circuits of accumulation
- Mx defo fits into this w/ DW
- genecide as primitive accumulation
DW COIN theory:
* gore capitalismo
- See examples of anti state and anti GG photos (sorted into categories, I just got to upload them!)
- Should I include the anti-PJ reform thing too
- I should whatsapp Gerado for comment, as he is gentrifying shit too
- So that s good way into analysing some of the issues brought up on the walls of Oaxaca!
- In addition I picked up the
The police violently stopped the buses murdering several students. It is not fully clear what happened next, but from piercing together documents, communications and testimony, it appears that the police and the local narcos, Guerrrors Unidos, killed the students to keep the story out of the media.
The important thing to note is that as the state streamlined its management of society under neoliberalism, moving from an interventionist model to a free market variety, criminal groups have emerged in its place.
The fact that it can turn its back, safe in the knowledge that someone will take care of the problems, is all part of the structure. The state does not have to get its hands dirty and participate in the direct murder of its citizens. Not under this model of capitalism that so favours free market solutions.
Even a centre-left president, AMLO, promising to get answers for the students parents as he took power, leaves the presidency having done little to resolve the situation. Instead, while he admitted that a "state crime" took place, he burnished new evidence that correlated the previous government's narrative, proven false (ref). One that blames local organised crime and local corrupt official, the bad apples, while absolving the state.
necropolitica - gore capitalismo
Created Wednesday 09 October 2024
Created Wednesday 09 October 2024
- necropolitica - Mbembe
- summareis from "ed. A. Estévez, 2021, ch 2" - see notes in ZOtero)
- NL turns biopolitcs into necropolitics.
- Here death is privatised, decentralised and mobile
- no longer are camps, ghettos or plantations necessary, a massacare can do the same jone and is highly mobile and decentralised
- (S.Valencia) gore capitalismo -
- Necropolitcs has meant that death has been comodifed in itself
- OC are a parallel state that uses terror and murder to accumulate capital/value/power thorugh control over death
- Location is imp too
- Estevez adds that, not a parallel state, the state delegates the power over death, coerscion, to the OC.
- in adddition the state uses dicourse such as DW & security to legitimise the contgrol of death and securitisation of public space
- Criminal accumulation is the goal
- the tech of death is valuable tool that produce trerror that favours TCC$
- (explaind the 43 more here) Po-po thus are experts in death, that are there to kill ROI and susatin $
Created Wednesday 09 October 2024
- see notes in Zotero for more
00 DOCS - drafts plans etc.
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
(the above are also in Zotero)
- 19/09
- see telegram new photo
- writre up notes and start draft I
- Zotero folder under 00 a Article: Blog
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
- oacaca is a solid Morena state (oxa ratifies cont. change - link dont work)
- gentrfication devate in Oaxaca gov
- article about whats going on
- law in state senate to control gentrifuicatrion
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
and tehy polute the water
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
- Nazario García, integrante del Colectivo de Organizaciones Ambientalistas de Oaxaca (COAO), denuncio en abril de este año, que ocho de cada diez oaxaqueños que habitan en los ocho municipios conurbados de la capital no tuvieron acceso al agua por temporadas que iban de 30 a 60 días, y tuvieron que pagar pipas con precios de mil 700 a 3 mil pesos, sin que intervinieran las autoridades en su regulación, por el contrario, existieron denuncias de huachicoleo de agua por parte de los mismos funcionarios estatales.
- State gov dont want to repair anything, rather exploit other ater sourfces and sell it to CdeOax
- El frente ambientalista también afirmó que existe la intención del gobierno de Salomón Jara de extraer agua de la Presa Paso Ancho, localizada en los límites de San Vicente Coatlán y Villa Sola de Vega en la Sierra Sur, a cientos de kilómetros de la capital oaxaqueña, obra que fue rechazada por las comunidades desde hace diez años, cuando intento realizar el proyecto Gabino Cué con un presupuesto millonario.
- “Es un proyecto de alto costo. Es más barato rehabilitar las Cuencas pero eso no deja dinero y por eso prefieren el saqueo de agua de otros lados. Optan por obras grandes y poco viables en vez de rescatar y cuidar lo que ya tenemos. Mientras proponen esas obras, son las mismas autoridades las que se roban el agua y hacen negocio con las pipas”, denunció.
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
NAFTA poisoined the water
NAFT Aprivatised the water
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
- Agua Para Todxs, a water rights advocacy group, attributes the crisis to the 1992 National Water Law signed by then-President Carlos Salinas, which centralized control over local water supplies. The law enabled the privatization of water, leading to numerous concessions sold for various purposes, including real estate, soft drinks, and cement factories.
- Despite Agua Para Todxs campaigning for legislative reform on water and mining licensing, support has been limited. Megaprojects such as the Comprehensive Morales Project (PIM) and the Interoceanic Corridor further complicate water affordability and availability in the region.
- In Oaxaca, the worsening water situation is less tied to a specific project but reflects a city that has outgrown its water sources. With 27 reservoirs, small in size, and a half-year rainy season, Oaxaca’s 700,000 residents face a significant challenge. Many residents recall a time when water flowed consistently in rivers and viaducts throughout the year.
Created Wednesday 25 September 2024
- the Telegram photos are in here
- High q are better when extractred directly from phone!
an example of anti-EPN graf from Chiapas
Created Wednesday 25 September 2024
- even under AMLO the state does its COIN job
- Amlo and the state ain’t done 💩
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
Created Friday 20 September 2024
Uber??? On did bed at least local taxis are receiving protection from the state, I wonder what the cost is? How are they linked to the local Gov or police? Who protects them from global capitalism?
Uber undercutting local taxis in short tourist trips. Local taxi cheaper for long distance!
hates local taxi driver monopoly
Created Friday 20 September 2024
- En Oaxaca debido a la intransigencia y abusos excesivos de la mafia de dueños de flotillas en contubernio con sindicatos y el gobierno dócil al servicio de pandilleros, no tenemos servicio de UBER, y es así que los usuarios tenemos que soportar las arbitrariedades, abusos y atropellos de taxistas, quienes muy religiosos y devotos, como si fueran buenas personas, acudieron a dar gracias a la Virgen, cuando en realidad y en general son lo contrario, déspotas y crueles en caso de accidentes viales porque de inmediato como jauría rabiosa se concentran decenas de taxistas a agredir e intimidar al conductor del vehículo privado, exigiendo incluso se paguen días de trabajo mientras el carro está en el taller. UBER es un servicio que en Oaxaca debemos tener ante el pésimo servicio de transporte en taxis que cobran abusivamente y manejan como desquiciados o poseídos y otras acciones que les caracterizan por lo que se identifican también como “roba maletas”.
Created Friday 20 September 2024
02 Middle aged men, left behind
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
- local bar owner killed
- Gonzaga was threatened that day and had his bar attacked the month before
- 43, not 50 as report above suggests
- He also had an imp local politcal position
Ex owner, Peña Soto, was a narco
pdf online source:
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
shein clothes anf informal eco mx
Created Tuesday 10 September 2024
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
- drug dealers
- work in the service sector
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
20-34 M cause death aggression
Created Friday 20 September 2024
The young in ciudad de Oaxaca murdered, but by drugs?
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Tuesday 24 September 2024
Created Thursday 19 September 2024
Created Friday 20 September 2024
Created Friday 20 September 2024
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
- How does this connect to Oaxaca report?
99 issue with upload to Neocities
Created Thursday 03 October 2024
last updated 03/10/24
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Created Tuesday 17 September 2024
Created Thursday 03 October 2024